Tv Jokes

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Man jumps into the boat when he tries to

change channels.


You can use a surf board to surf the channels.


 Where do you go to here a mans story?

The His story channel.

What do you watch from a discovery channel?

Disks that are covered.


What type of paper do news channels use?

News Paper.

How can you send text through TV?

Trough tele sms


 Tv soaps stars start doing opera.

 Soap opera.

Tv Channel starts to show blank photo films. 

Because they are making

A movie about the film.


Where can you see the river channels? 

On TV.


Man turns volume off. 

Because the volume keeps changing. 


Man finds boxing gloves with a TV set.

So it can do some boxing with the sky box.

Why dose water flow through the TV?

Because its a TV Channel


Where can you see the river channels? 

On TV.

Man turns volume off. 

Because the volume keeps changing.


 What natural thing has a show?


What show is similar to a paper?

News TV.


  You text people through TV.


What can you do with TV and water?



Where can you see the river channels? 

On TV.

Man turns volume off. 

Because the volume keeps changing. 

Name a new TV Serial?

Customer: My TV always askes questions
Technisan: Your watching a Quiz show.
Better get my surf board out
need to surf the TV Shows.

Girl friend: I love this show.
Boy: Why?
Girlfriend: Because it shows things.
Friend: Why am I getting water on
my TV?
Friend 2: Thats because you are watching
the English Channel.

Man stands in a park to use controle.
Reason it was a remote control.
What channel can you get the
Weather from? Sky news.

What do you call a channel for phyics?
Out of this world channel.
Man finds a channel full
of laughter. It was a comedy channel.

What is the shortest name for a
product? TV
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