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Get a rubber spider and put it on a

girls desk  that should get her to scream.

Put rubber worms on a plate and brightened to

eat them.




There are lots of ways of pulling practical jokes on other people for instance the whoopee coshen. Here are some others. 


 Placing a whoopee coosen on a persons chair. This will   cause a 
farting noise when a person sits down.




Get a rubber spider and put it on a

girls desk  that should get her to scream.

Put rubber worms on a plate and brightened to

eat them.



 There are lots of ways of pulling practical jokes on other people for instance the whoopee coshen. Here are some others. 


 Placing a whoopee coosen on a persons chair. This will   cause a farting noise when a person sits down.





 Pick up the phone and call a friend. printed to be a young child.

Call your friend uncle or untie.


 The person will be shocked. reviled who you are later.




  Rubber cake present the cake to a friend, say its as uprise cake ask him or her to cut the cake. The person will 

be surprised to see that he or she can not cut the cake.


 Girl or women are afraid of insects. Why not  present a girl friend without telling her a box full of insects. she will

probably leap up srceaming or drop the box.




 Rubber cake present the cake to a friend, say its as uprise cake ask him or her to cut the cake. The person will 

be surprised to see that he or she can not cut the cake.

 Girl or women are afraid of insects. Why not  present a girl friend without telling her a box full of insects. she will

probably leap up srceaming or drop the box.


 Give a friend a container full of powder, tell the person that this is a new type of powder.

Don't tell him it is actually itching powder 



fill the cup halfway with water then

put a thin layer of transparent paper on the top 

of the cup and seal it wit tape. Give it to person 

ask them to get rid of the water. water won't come out.

If you have binoculars put two black ink on eye whole. 

Then tell the person some one punched you. show the mirror

to the person are they look true the binoculars. 



Lipstick: get your partners lipstick rub some glue

on the lipstick. And it will really stick. 


 Placing an upside down cup on top of a plastic 

small bat. Then ask her to get that cup. She will screen.



 Give a friend a container full of powder, tell the 

person that this is a new type of powder.

Don't tell him it is actually itching powder 

Get a date add some legs and antennas.

It should look like a cockroach.  Pretend 

that you are eating but first show it is a cockroach.



There are lots of ways of pulling practical jokes on other people for instancethe whoopee coshen. Here are some others. 


 Placing a whoopee cooshon on a persons chair. This will   cause a farting noise when a person sits down.



 Pick up the phone and call a friend. printed to be a young child.

Call your friend uncle or untie.


 The person will be shocked. reviled who you are later.



  Rubber cake present the cake to a friend, say its as uprise cake ask him or her to cut the cake. The person will be surprised to see that he or she can not cut the cake.


 Girl or women are afraid of insects. Why not  present a girl friend without telling her a box full of insects. she will

probably leap up srceaming or drop the box.



If you don't whant a person to leave their
seat try putting glue on the seat so when they
sit down they can't get up.

If you whant people to react to your phone why
not change tune to a annoying one.
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