Travel Jokes

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Why is travelling so dangerous? Because you are going on a trip.


Man gets agree when he is asked how old is his Lug-age.


 Woman found looking at the skies for an airport.


What name flies allot? Miles (flyer miles).


Crowed found around a passenger called Louis.


Because they thought he was the Lou.


 A huge party going on a landing strip? 

It was a landing party.


Air vents found going quack quack.

 Because it was an air duck.


 New plane found flapping its wings. Because 

it was “flying like a bird”


  Where can you find a mini cab? On a runway.


Where can you find Miles?

in the Air.

Why do we pull ages?

Because its an Lug age. 


Where to planes line up?

In the air. Air line.

How do know if a plane company is doing well?

Because it takes off.


Did you know planes can run?

Run way.

 Did you know planes can run?

Run way.


What do you call several lines going through the are?

An airline.

What letter likes to travel?

The letter L.


 New plane found flapping its wings. Because 

it was “flying like a bird”


  Where can you find a mini cab? On a runway.

How do drivers stop a bus.
Using a bus stop.

Where can travelers get training?
At a train station.
Why do plains que up?
Because they are an Airline.

Man tries to make an Airport float in
the air. Because it was a Air-port
Name a form of travel envolving
time? Time travel.

Where can you get a zit?
In transit.
Man walks on a plane wearing wings.
Reason: He was flying.

What is the similarity between
a plane and a bird wings? They are
both flap.
A hostess leaves house with
balloons filled with air. Because
she was an air hostess.

How can you travel with out
leaving the home? Travel online.
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