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Person finds photo frames stuck
to his body. Reason it was his body frame.
Biology really gets inside you.
What do you call a self-centered part
of your body? Your sells.
With Biology you can really get to know yourself.
What do you call a hippy version of a virus? Retrovirus.
What is the difference between DNA and RNA? One has two strands and the other is single.
Why do cells divide? Because they are fed up of each other.
What dose DNA mean? Do Not Ask.
Why do Doctors know you so well? Because they know you inside and out.
Did you know you can Jeans inside you ?
What is the smallest phone called? A Cellphone.
How do cells in our body comunicate?
Text messaging on their cell phones.
What do you call a biological plant that
falls apart? Biodegradables.
Where would you find a biological substance in a prison cell.
Why do you have Biology written all over your jeans? You did say it was in my jeans.
What dose a human
body and a windows
database have in common? They both have cells.
Our heart is as the heart of our DNA.
What dose RNA mean? Ringer Not Available.
What do you call a biological substance
that injoys them selves? Fungus
DNA: What type of math’s are you good at? Cell: Division.
Career adviser: What subject are you going into? DNA: Biology.
Cell 1: We look alike?
Cell 2: We are the same cell.
What type cells do fish have? CF: Cell Fish.
Computer: I am learning Biology technology.
What do you call a well educated and traveled bacteria? Cultured Bacteria.
Virus: I have an aunt. She’s called Antivirus.
There are loads
of photos of Cells on the web.
They are just cell-fies.
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