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Student: Miss a bear is stuck in my head!

Teacher: I'll bear it mind

Doctor find a dear in shape of an O,
He called it O-dear.




Why do monkeys run in circles?

Because they are monkeying around

How do wolfs greet each other?
Howooooooo are you.



Whats the other way of spelling animal?

Did you know that foxes can dance?
The fox trot.



What type animals are irritating?

Where do dogs live?



Student: Miss a bear is stuck in my head!
Teacher: I'll bear it mind

Doctor find a dear in shape of an O,
He called it O-dear.



 Where do pigs put there money?
In a piggy bank.

What type of cream do they use?



 We call going out a days out. What do Pigs call it?
Pigging out.

What do you call a vampire Pig?
A Count Pigular.



 We call going out a days out. What do Pigs call it?
Pigging out.

What do you call a vampire Pig?
A Count Pigular.



Why do animals all ways talk about
their tails? Because they are telling tails.

What do you call a pet with a degree?
pet degree.



What do you call a dangerious cat?

Where can you find a hedge hog?
In the hedges.



What do you call a horse running in circules?
Horsing around.

What is a Giraffs favourite jewellery?
A necklace.



What do you call a horse running in circules?
Horsing around.

What is a Giraffs favourite jewellery?
A necklace.

What football team to frogs support?

What do you call a high jumping frog?
A long jump.
What do birds do?

Where do hogs go to learn magic?
Name a type of walk that foxes do?
A fox trot.

Name a animal that is IT and Business savy?
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